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Never underestimate the power of HRD to create wealth and success for your company, urges Wits N Skills.
In the current scenario, where every sector is reeling under some sort of slowdown, business houses are treading with caution, with major expansion plans on hold and no drastic measures or ventures on the anvil. Taking a leaf from the adage, 'Tough times do not last, tough people do', there is really no better time to focus on a basic, yet crucial function: HR.
With the construction sector getting increasingly professional, job interviews will have to take into account the presence of skill sets and key competency on the part of the candidate. Wits N Skills HRD Consultants offers tips to CW readers.
The Indian economy has been growing over the past few years and business sentiment is also positive. Various micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are doing quite well in almost all sectors. MSMEs play an important role in the economic and social development of India with their effective, efficient, flexible and innovative entrepreneurial spirit. However, most of them face the fundamental challenge of scalability.